The following calls for tenders of the Bundeskunsthalle have been published on the website of the Website des Deutschen Ausschreibungsblattes. The documents can only be downloaded there.
The documents can be downloaded free of charge using the links below. Please register for the free basic rate. Without notification of participation in the procedures, no e-mail notification of changes and additions to the tender documents (such as bidder questions) will be sent. In this case, candidates and bidders are responsible for informing themselves about changes and additions to the tender documents (e.g. bidder questions) (obligation to collect).
We generally publish all calls for tenders and competitions for the Bundeskunsthalle at and; European procedures are also published at
Other sites for Bundeskunsthalle procedures, such as other tendering services, are not always up to date.
Please note that since 18 October 2018, only electronic submission of tenders has been permitted in European procedures (EU Directive 2014/24/EU). This applies to national procedures since 1 January 2020. Please inform yourself, e.g. under electronic tendering.
Planner database
Since spring 2009, the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH has had a planner database (planner pool), which is to be continuously expanded. The purpose of this database is to be able to draw on a competent pool of planners when requesting quotations or awarding contracts for planning services for exhibition design.