What is Studio Bonn?

Studio Bonn is the discourse format of the Bundeskunsthalle. Together with experts from various work areas and knowledge practices, we discuss the central social challenges of our present and encouraging perspectives for possible futures.

The focus is on the desire to think together, the appreciative exchange of conflicting positions and perspectives, and the work on a shared understanding across conceptual differences, disciplinary boundaries and ideological horizons. In this sense, Studio Bonn sees itself as a public contribution to democratic self-understanding about how to deal together with crises and conflicts, about social change processes and cultural design potential.

Studio Bonn takes place live in the Bundeskunsthalle. In order to make the content accessible to a broad public, the recordings are made available as videos and sometimes as podcasts in the Bundeskunsthalle media library and on YouTube.

February 11, 2025

Trigger points vs. tipping points
Why changes are difficult and yet must happen faster

It can currently be considered a broad consensus that a lot of things need to change in Germany. If you look at schools, hospitals, digitization, administration, infrastructure, transport, climate change and much more, the need for action is obvious.

The objective urgency of all these tasks does not necessarily lead to broad support among the population. On the contrary, there has been a growing resistance to renewal for some time, which is ultimately also reflected in political elections.

So how can we succeed in shaping urgently needed transformation processes in such a way that the public accepts them as a common challenge and actively participates in shaping them?

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Trigger Points vs. Tipping Points

Trigger Points vs. Tipping Points

With Louisa Schneider, Stephan Rammler, Rafael Laguna de la Vera & Paulina Fröhlich

September 3, 2024

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How much conflict can democracy tolerate?

How much conflict can democracy tolerate?

With Anna-Lena von Hodenberg, Markus Beckedahl and Steve Ayan

Trigger Warning
How much conflict can democracy tolerate?

Democracy thrives on open exchange and mutual understanding on fundamental issues of coexistence and the common good. Ideally, such an exchange is characterized by objective argumentation, attentive listening and self-reflective willingness to compromise. The goal is objectively reasonable results that are recognized by all those involved for good reasons and are implemented in practice in the long term.

All of this no longer seems to be a matter of course: politically negotiated decisions are regularly questioned and revised when there is a change of government. Particular interest groups try to assert their influence in questionable and sometimes violent ways. Radical views and inflammatory calls are spread under the invocation of freedom of expression. Exposed actors are personally attacked, especially on social media. AI-supported chatbots are deliberately trying to influence the mood in society through disinformation campaigns and to manipulate political elections. But all of this does not have to stay that way...

A mentsh is a mentsh

Art & Culture after October 7th
About dealing with anti-Semitism, racism and post-colonialism

A mentsh is a mentsh is the title of this series of conversations with Nicole Deitelhoff and Meron Mendel about dealing with anti-Semitism, racism and post-colonialism. Terror and war in the Middle East are putting a strain on the social climate – also in Germany and Europe. Anti-Semitic incidents are increasing – even in artistic and scientific contexts. How should you deal with it? How should one deal with conflicts and sensitivities, real and imagined injuries, vagueness and contradictions? How can we talk to one another and work together with any degree of integrity? From human to human?

The title is based on the artwork of the artist Naneci Yurdagül – Untitled – a mentsh is a mentsh (2020), who designed the stage set for this series.

Part 1: January 17, 2024

The Islamist terror and war in the Middle East are also putting a strain on the social climate in Germany and Europe. Anti-Semitic incidents are increasing - even in artistic and scientific contexts such as recently at the UdK and FU Berlin or at documenta fifteen in 2022. Paradoxically, it is not uncommon for the perspective of those who have experienced injustice and suffering to be invoked.
Now how should you deal with all of this? How should one deal with all these conflicts and sensitivities, real and imagined injuries, vagueness and contradictions? How can we talk to one another and work together with any degree of integrity? From human to human?

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A mentsh is a mentsh

A mentsh is a mentsh

Art & Culture after October 7th (Part 1)

With Meron Mendel, Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger & Johanna Adam

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A mentsh is a mentsh

A mentsh is a mentsh

Art & Culture after October 7th (Part 2)

With Omer Bartov, Carolin Emcke & Hito Steyerl

Part 2: March 12, 2024

The public debate about the Middle East conflict has massively changed communicative behavior in many social circles. In many places, analytical observations and differentiated descriptions have been replaced by polemical simplifications and personal hostilities. The specific dynamics of the conflict are forcing the formation of camps that – even far removed from the war – are seemingly irreconcilable. The attempt to position oneself with some degree of independence and integrity, apart from or even as a mediator between the conflicting parties, is becoming increasingly difficult. How can these complex social and communicative processes be understood? Why do even those who otherwise claim critical thinking, artistic freedom and social commitment succumb to them? In our second discussion about the effects of October 7 on art and culture, we will focus primarily on such dynamics of communicative action – and not least on the question of which paths could lead out of the blocking confrontations and escalating situations.

Part 3: June 11, 2024

Overall, the situation has escalated in Germany and Europe since October 7. The fronts have hardened and legitimate criticism of the Israeli government's actions is increasingly crossing the line into violent protests or personal attacks on Jews in public spaces. Together with their guests, Nicole Deitelhoff and Meron Mendel will therefore discuss which forms of public debate are currently still productive and to what extent legal regulations to protect against hostility are necessary or, on the contrary, counterproductive.

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A mentsh is a mentsh

A mentsh is a mentsh

Art & Culture after October 7th (Part 3)

With Uwe Becker, Alena Jabarine & Christoph Möllers

More Episodes

See more episodes of STUDIO BONN from 2021-2023 in our archive. Different series of topics address questions that concern our society.

For example, Quiet Quitting is discussed. What remains of a society when no one goes to work or to the museum anymore? In Global Nervous Systems, scientists, artists and officials discuss which senses we need to sharpen and which new narratives and worldviews we need to face coming catastrophes. The Exchange Values ​​series of topics, in turn, revolves around the question of what has what value in society and why, and how the dynamics of value formation have changed. And The Common Ground asks the question of the general: What holds societies together? Which techniques and institutions allow productive discussions about the future? And what role do art and culture play in this?

Please feel free to contact us!


Dr. Sven Sappelt
Curator for Discourse & Head of Studio Bonn 
sappelt (at) bundeskunsthalle.de

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